Economic zone Kukuzovac LLC

Company dedicated to development, construction and management of the Kukuzovac economic zone

Presentation of the economic zone Kukuzovac

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Basic information

Economic zone Kukuzovac LLC

PIN: 13359120801
Company: Economic zone Kukuzovac LLC
company for development, construction, and management of the economic zone Kukuzovac
Short name: Economic zone Kukuzovac LLC
HQ: Sinj, Dragašev prolaz 24
Legal form: Limited liability company
Business bank: HRVATSKA POŠTANSKA BANKA d.o.o.; IBAN: HR95 2390 0011 1005 2824 8
Board member: Marijana Zorica dipl.iur
Function: board member
Autorisation: represents individually and independently

What is Kukuzovac Economic Zone?

  • Kukuzovac Economic Zone is an entrepreneurial zone mainly of a production nature with the primary goal of achieving economic development of the City of Sinj and the Split-Dalmatia County as a whole, all for the purpose of creating new jobs.
  • Total area of ​​156 ha owned by the City of Sinj
  • Zone where it is possible to organize areas for the construction of facilities and numerous ancillary facilities, parking and green areas, which makes the area very attractive for investment
  • The zone is about 10 km from the Dugopolje junction on the Zagreb – Split highway in the direction of Sinj.
    Located in an ideally located area of ​​the Dalmatian hinterland that gravitates to the hinterland and border areas on the one hand, as well as near Split as the center of the Adriatic on the other hand.

Answers to frequently asked questions

*Project preparation includes the production of geodetic surveys, spatial and urban plans, environmental impact studies, relocation of above-ground or underground installations, etc.